Monday, April 11, 2022Simple insurance saving tips to give you more time and money for your vacation Everyone wants to save time and money these days. But no one wants to jeopardize quality. We are here to help you save time and offer the best possible combination of personal insurance coverage, service, and price. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 6, 2022Simplify Insurance Claims With a Home Inventory If your home and personal property were damaged, would you be able to remember all your belongings? Consider that you also are in a state of shock due to the loss and/or damage to your home. READ MORE >>
Thursday, March 17, 2022For small to medium-sized firms, a business owner's policy, or BOP, is an excellent insurance option. This type of policy is popular since it combines the most frequent coverages into a single policy with a single payment rather than paying for individual policies. READ MORE >>
Monday, March 14, 2022Liability is a complicated subject for most people. Unless you're a lawyer or you work for an insurance company, it's not always clear whose fault an accident is. You may have heard of general liability insurance. This is a vague term that broadly encompasses a variety of situations. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, March 2, 2022The quantity and intensity of cyber-attacks are expected to rise in 2020 and 2021, causing significant changes in the cyber insurance market. The cyber insurance market has always been deemed "soft," making it relatively easy for businesses to obtain coverage at cheaper costs. READ MORE >>
Sunday, February 27, 2022Starting a business might seem like a great opportunity, but it also requires a lot of responsibility. Before you even open the doors, you need to start protecting your operation, and that requires investing in a strong business insurance portfolio. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, February 22, 2022When looking for a location for their business, many businessowners can get caught up in the excitement of getting their feet off the ground and forget about one of the most important aspects of finding a commercial property—securing adequate insurance to protect that property. READ MORE >>
Saturday, January 22, 2022Businesses often buy a vehicle (or a fleet of them) for their companies to use. Sometimes, a business may even let an employee drive their personal vehicle for the company. However, if an accident occurs to the driver or the vehicle, the company could suffer financially. READ MORE >>
Wednesday, January 12, 2022Due to the digital age, more and more employees are working from home. This raises the question: Is an employee covered if they suffer a work-related injury or illness at home? If you're a temporary or permanent telecommuter, this article can help you figure out whether you are covered by workers compensation insurance. READ MORE >>
Tuesday, November 30, 2021When you insure yourself under a life insurance policy, you will name a beneficiary who will receive the policy’s payout in the event of your death. This settlement is called a death benefit, and it can ease your survivors’ financial burdens in numerous practical ways.
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